On March 20, 2018, the 4th session of the 4th CNLIC, the 8th session of the 7th All China Federation of Handicraft Industrial Cooperatives, the commendation of CNLIC Advanced Collectives and Workers and the 60th anniversary of All China Federation of Handicraft Industrial Cooperatives were held in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. The award-winning units and individuals of CNLIC Sci-Tech Progress Prize of 2017 were honored at the conference. “Theresearch and application of preparation ofnew surface sizing emulsion by emulsifying AKD with solid emulsifier” won the First CNLIC Sci-Tech Progress Prize which was directed by Professor Chen Fushan who is the Dean of College of Marine Science and Biological Engineering, QUST. And the prize filled the blank of first prize in this field.
The foundation of theCNLIC Sci-Tech Prize started onSeptember 2005, and it was formally authorized by NOSTA (National Office of Science and Technology Awards) and evaluated once a year.The project directed by Professor Chen Fushanis the major innovation of traditional AKD sizing and it can reduce cost and improve the performance of sizing, and also greatly speed up thehealth sustainable development of paper chemicals. This technology isat the leading international level, and has been well used by enterprises including Qingdao Haiwang Paper Co. Ltd andHuatai Group.

(Translated by Tian Jun)