Recently,a survey team led by Li Qingling, deputy secretary ofthe University CPC committee visited Shanghai University of Science and Technology,Zhejiang College of Tongji University and Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University to conduct special research and study one ducational internalization.The team was composed of heads ofInternationalExchange andCooperationOffice andotherrelated colleges.
Thissurvey is an important part of 2019 Cadres Training Program of the University.The team had in-depth discussion with the leads of the visited universities on operation modes and management modes of Sino-foreign cooperative education institutions (projects),internationalized integration of industries,research and education, and construction of internationalized campus planning. At the same time,heads ofrelevant schools and colleges, which have already establishedSino-foreign cooperative education institutions (projects), investigated specific work such asspecialty construction ofSino-foreign cooperative program.the QUST survey team also visited national and regional research centers such as theUK Study Center and theUS Study Center of Shanghai University of Science and Technology, the Museum of XJTLU and the Library of Zhejiang College of Tongji University.