On the afternoon of March 26, the signing ceremony of theCooperationAgreement on Undergraduate Study Abroad Programbetween Qingdao University of Science and Technology(QUST)and Kwangwoon University (Korea) was held inNo.2015ConferenceRoom of theAdministration Buildingat Laoshan Campus. Party Secretary, President Ma Lianxiang, and President Jisang Yoo of Kwangwoon University attended the signing ceremony.
Spring is the best season of a year and the right time for deepening cooperation. Ma Lianxiang said thatQUST hassigned a strategic cooperation agreement with CSCSE under MOE to establish aTrainingBase forStudyingAbroad inits Sino-GermanCampus. This is the new missionof international education for QUST.Hehopes that the signing of theAgreementwillopen a new journey of practical cooperation insuchfieldsas electronic technology and artificial intelligence andwilldraw a new blueprint for the relationship development between the two universities, so that the traditional friendship between China and South Koreacan be deeply rooted in the young.
Jisang Yoo said that QUST has made outstanding achievements in scientific research, personnel training, and government-industry-education-research cooperation, and has also enjoyed high reputationamong Korean universities. Kwangwoon University will enhance mutual trust and work side by side with QUST to achieve a new situation of international cooperation for mutualdevelopment.
The relevant persons of the International Exchange and Cooperation Office attended the signing ceremony.