On April 27th, a Special Session of the Mainland Council of the Cross-Strait Climate Change and Energy Sustainable Development Forum was held on Laoshan Campus, QUST. Attended the meeting were XIE Kechang, president of the mainland council of the Forum, GE Shirong, president of China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT) and vice president of the mainland council, ZHANG Xinxin, president of University of Science & Technology Beijing and vice president of the mainland council, and over 20 experts from Chinese Academy of Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan University of Technology, and North China Electric Power University (NCEPU).
LIU Xingyun, secretary of the CPC Committee of QUST, met the leaders and guests attending the meeting. MA Lianxiang, executive vice president of the mainland council and president of QUST, presided over the meeting and made a speech.

On behalf of the Preparatory Committee, JIANG Benji, a professor of National Taiwan University, the undertaker of the 13thannual Cross-Strait Climate Change and Energy Sustainable Development Forum, reported the preparations for the Annual Forum and the Cross-Strait Green Energy Summit. The attendees had a heated discussion on the forum themes, the topics for discussion, the organization plan, and the invitation of scholars from Chinese mainland and Taiwan. At the meeting, a vote for the appointment of the secretariat staff of the mainland council was taken, and CHEN Liang from CUMT, DUAN Chunming from NCEPU, and CHEN Hongzong from QUST were appointed as the Deputy Secretary Generals of the Mainland Council.
The meeting decided that the 13thannual Cross-Strait Climate Change and Energy Sustainable Development Forum and the Cross-Strait Green Energy Summit will be held at National Taiwan University from September 17thto September 23rd, 2017. The themes of the Forum will be Circular Economy and Green Development. The annual meeting will have academic exchanges on five topics, including researching and developing green buildings, intelligent transportation and energy technology, promoting the development of green low-carbon scientific and technological industry, making the policies to combat climate change and establishing a cap-and-trade system on emissions.
Besides, the meeting also decided that the 14thannual Cross-Strait Climate Change and Energy Sustainable Development Forum will be held by NCEPU.
(Translated byWang Xing)